
What's Cookin, Good Lookin?

I walked back to my office after making some photocopies in our copy room.
As soon as I sat down, I noticed that I had a missed call from PRC... a call that I had been anxiously awaiting all day.

Earlier in the day, I went to PRC for another ultrasound and blood test to check my E2 levels. E2 is the acronym for estradiol, the main hormone that is in charge of ovulation and follicle production. At my appointment they also did an ultrasound, measuring the number of follicles {potential eggs} I'm growing with the help of our follicle stimulating hormones {FSH}, Menopur and Follistim. The results of this morning's appointment would determine any increase or decrease in hormone dosage, not to mention would give us a tentative date of the Egg Retrieval, planned for early next week. 

I quickly grabbed my cell phone and headed for the break room to check my voicemail and then call PRC back.

I spoke to Carla at PRC, who informed me that my E2 levels are 1017 and that I am to decrease my 150 units of Follistim to 75 for the four remaining nights I have to take it. She also advised that I will need to go in early Saturday morning for another appointment, this time in the Torrance office. They will be checking my E2 levels and doing an ultrasound again then, and that will be their final day to determine and decide which day next week Egg Retrieval will be. 

Best news was this: last year, they retrieved 11 follicles. I was told today that I currently have about 16-17 potential follicles! Talk about cookin!!

Now we are just waiting for Saturday so we can find out what our schedule is like next week. Looks like everyone's prayers are working so far. I cannot tell you how grateful we are for your love and support. 


Carla (Choosing His Joy) said...

Continuing to pray!! XOXO

Ruby Agustin said...

always praying for you, John, and baby! Lovey!

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Thank you for leaving me some love!