I'm way past that.
It isn't even a reference to my bachelorette party in Las Vegas last year {wow, was that ONLY last year? feels like eons ago!},
when that song was dubbed headliner of the weekend's soundtrack.
These kinds of shots are what my life is scheduled around these days: Round Two, Phase Two of The Baby Bench Project.
My 10 unit 8:00 a.m. Lupron injection has been going on for almost two weeks. Since this past Thursday, it has decreased to 2.5 units, but has now been partnered with two {count them: TWO!} other injections at night.
Before I get into any sort of dissertation on the order of my shots, it may be important for newer readers {or those who may have forgotten} to read this post from last year's cycle . . . or at least bear with me while I explain my meds . . .
{Note: I am not, by any means, a doctor, nurse, or authority in the IVF field. This is just what I know . . . or at least how I understand this process.}
Lupron: This hormone is used to suspend the menstrual cycle. Sound counterproductive? I hear you, but what this hormone also does is it "evens out" the endometrium {the lining in the uterus}. This helps to make for a more ideal environment for an embryo to "stick".
Nighttime shots:
Follistim: {Last year, I used Gonal-F} This hormone is a follicle stimulating hormone. This aids in stimulating the growth and development of eggs. Follistim is administered through a "pen" syringe {the needle is changed at every dose} that measures precisely how much medicine is given.
Menopur: This hormone also helps in the maturation / development of eggs. It comes in two vials -- one vial has sodium chloride {saline?} and the other is the medication itself -- a tablet. We mix the sodium chloride with one tablet, spin the mixture for a few moments, and then I inject it into my belly. I'm not going to lie: It STINGS. The medicine is a little thick and I feel it burn as the plunger pushes it into my body.
The consolation is that the needles I use right now are all small. Injections right now at this phase are subcutaneous. The ones in the last phase of the cycle, the ones injecting progesterone and estrogen, are done intramuscularly, and are huge and thick.
See the difference?
For now, we are following a very strict and precise regimen of hormones / medication.
Despite the pain, physical, mental, and emotional toll, we continue to trudge on. We carry the memory of our girls, Aubrey & Finley, the faith in God we have in our hearts, and they give us hope for happier days to come with Baby #3.
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